The weather was textbook late summer – early autumn. The dogs cooperated for a portrait with help from Gwen and Tony (who is off camera holding dog treats). The 4 hour hike took us through hilly woods on Tony’s land, Wildlife Management land, 2 other private properties, and 80 acres belonging to the Conway Congregational Church. A long, winding, beautiful hike. The real highlight was a long anticipated visit to a field of Fringed and Bottle Gentians growing in profusion by an old beaver pond. Back to Tony’s where he grilled local grass fed beef burgers with plenty of tomatoes from Gwen’s garden, and a pot luck of potato salad, quinoa salad, green salad, coleslaw, baked beans, corn and tomato salad, local wheat bread, iced tea, , ginger cookies, and “hikers” apple cake. Then off to Tony’s hayfield for a walk to see the Nodding Ladies Tresses orchids, fields of fall asters, and so much more. Couldn’t have been any pleasanter! Love, Penny 

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