Thursday Hikers

Est. 2013

August 2015

  • 8/27/15 – Joe Herrick’s Gulf trail

    8/27/15 – Joe Herrick’s Gulf trail

    Perfect weather and gorgeous trails with the thrill of Joe Herrick’s Gulf, a peculiar, deep, straight sided, scary geological reminder of the earth being pushed and pulled together as it formed. Alas, I pulled my back just before we started out, so I was dosed up with Advil, a masaage from one of the hikers… Continue reading

  • 8/20/15 – Mt. Toby, Sunderland and Leverett MA

    8/20/15 – Mt. Toby, Sunderland and Leverett MA

    Mt Toby is “the highest summit of a sprawling collection of mostly wooded hills that rise from a plateau in Sunderland and Leverett MA just east of the Connecticut River”. We hiked up its 1269 feet on a darned hot day today, all the while remembering when we hiked it on a particularly frigid, icy… Continue reading

  • 8/6/15 – Blueberries Heath, MA

    8/6/15 – Blueberries Heath, MA

    Today was an experience I’ll continue to dream about. We drove up and up and up into Heath to pick blueberries at the Benson Place. Acres of wild, low bush blueberries on land that has been with the Bensen family since 1815 when Squire and Hannah Benson raised thirteen of their seventeen children there. We… Continue reading