Thursday Hikers

Est. 2013

December 2016

  • 12/15/16 – Notchview X Country Ski Area, Hume Trail

    12/15/16 – Notchview X Country Ski Area, Hume Trail

    The Polar Vortex winds were fierce with temps between 20 and 15 degrees and at first it seemed totally crazy that we were attempting a hike. But give it a half hour of steady snowshoeing and warmth is generated from your body core. It was gorgeous: 10 “ of new snow, unbroken trails. Too cold… Continue reading

  • 12/8/16 – Mt Warner

    12/8/16 – Mt Warner

    Hi, Because of cataract surgfery on the 7th I wasn’t able to join the merry gang of Thursday hikers who hiked in extreme fog up to our favorite destination: the formidable summit of Mt. Warner where nonsense and shenanigns always happen. Probably only Sukee and Annie took the hike seriously (although when they go off… Continue reading

  • 12/1/16 – Lawrence Swamp, South Amherst, MA

    12/1/16 – Lawrence Swamp, South Amherst, MA

    It had rained for three days, but the sun came out this morning so we could hike. And it was wonderful hiking weather. Lawrence Swamp has lots of trails, and lots of hunters, so we flaunted our orange vests and hats. This was a really different hike as it was pretty much all flat land.… Continue reading