Thursday Hikers

Est. 2013

8/30/18 – The hills of Conway MA

How to describe a perfect day with friends? Actually, maybe that does say it. And it surely was “a perfect day with friends”. Given the heat and the humidity, we took a shortened hike through Mass Audubon “Conway Hills” trail and then out onto a nice new connecting trail on conservation land. Good dogs Annie and Sukee were in high spirits, and so too were all of us. Our high spirits cooled off a bit when we found a “Stinkhorn”, nasty looking fungus that it is. I declined having a whiff. Advice: don’t ever simultaneously get a bee sting and poison ivy on your finger. Just look at what that did to Nancy. She’ll be leaving soon for a geological/botanical 3 week trip to CA tomorrow with geologist Richard Little, so the sore finger will have time to simmer down out on the west coast. Bag lunches and watermelon for all at the Conway Pond. The plunge into the cold water revived us, as well as brought on a lot of nonsense and plain old fun. The drive home in Tony’s white convertible, then work on my new raspberry patch, and a drive to Bear Path for 3 buckets of compost …… then back to the pond for the 5:30 “last swim of the day”. (We all miss you, Madge.) Happy September everyone. (Oh no – what happened to June, and July, and August…..?) How about everybody goes and takes a swim? Love you, Penny {CAPTION}

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