Thursday Hikers

Est. 2013

7/13/17 – Massachusetts Audubon “Conway Hills” property

The forecast and reality of thunderstorms kept us from our scheduled hike in Chester. Stalwarts needing to hike, and to be together, grouped and headed to the nearby Lone Wolf Tree Trail at Conway Hills (some of you have been there with me) where we might defy the elements, stroll in the woods, and have a picnic and swimming afterward at the Conway Pond. The woods at Conway Hills were saturated with recent rain, and the fungi were popping up all over. We were surprised that hikers Lynn and John met us at the pond and conversation was full of philosophical stuff as John had just come from his (amusing) bunch of retired UMass professors that meet weekly and talk ….. philosophical nonsense. We had fun, we swam, and then the rain started up again. June is a-flying by! Enjoy each day of it. Love, Penny {CAPTION}

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